Emergency Contact Details * Emergency Contact Telephone
* Have you been under medical care in the last 6 months?
If yes please provide details
* Have you undergone surgery within the last 6 months?
If yes please provide details
* Please list any medications, diuretics, supplements, vitamins that you take regularly
* Within the last 6 months have you had any medically prescribed acne products e.g. Roaccutane / Retinol / Retain A / Retinova / Tarozac / Other?
* Please list any ongoing health concerns
* Please list any allergies, including reactions to hair dye
* Please confirm if there is any bruising, swelling, broken skin or bones that have been fractured within the last 6 months in/around the area(s) being treated.
* Please confirm if you have any infectious or non-infectious conditions presenting in or around the areas being treated
* Do you suffer with any neck or spinal injuries?
* Do you experience any pain? If so please provide details
* Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
* Have you had permanent make-up applied within the last 4 weeks?
* Have you had botox (or equivalent) or dermal fillers within the last 4 weeks?
* Have you recently applied fake tan?
* Are you using skincare that contains AHAs (i.e. glycolic acid, lactic acid), BHAs (i.e. salicylic acid) or vitam A (i.e. retinol, retinoids including tretinoin)?
* How often do you go swimming or use a sauna?
* Are you currently ...
(please tick all that apply)
* What are your main concerns with your lashes / brows?
* What would you like to achieve from your upcoming treatment?